
Our mission is to foster productive and responsible young people through effective community collaborations.
About us
We are here to collaborate with dedicated volunteers and organizations and all of the cities in need. We believe everyone in this valley deserves to have hope in their future, to feel like a part of a community, and to get the chance to live like anyone should – safe, healthy, and happy.
CVCT is looking for qualified individuals to serve on our volunteer board of directors. The Board of Directors takes the commitment to serve our community seriously. Serving the youth of our community is personally rewarding and is well worth the time invested.
If you, or anyone you may know, has an interest in helping east Coachella valley youth achieve success at school, home, and community, and would be interested in serving on the CVCT board of directors, please contact Jaime Bikis at 760-625-8195. I would be happy to explain the duties and the required time commitment.