Youth Financial request
Please click here to use the new Youth Financial Request Application to submit your request.
You can fill the form in online, save the form on your computer, print the form if you would rather fill it out by hand, then either e-mail it to us at or mail it to us.
If you have any questions about how to apply, please feel free to contact us at:
760-863-2333 or via e-mail:
Financial support can be awarded to individuals, schools or organizations who are in need of funding towards a youth oriented activity, event, or even to purchase necessary materials/equipment to provide a service to the youth, for example, microphones for a school performance, etc.
Youth Financial Support can be awarded for up to $1,500
An itemized budget (included on the form) must accompany all request applications.
If you are awarded, you will be asked to provide CVCT with pictures
of your event for them to be shown on the CVCT website.
Recipients will also be asked to attend a membership meeting to
talk about how the funding was used to support your
We look forward to reviewing your applications. Best of Luck!
All applications must be submitted using the
CVCT Youth Financial Request form.
Applications must be submitted 5 days prior to that month's board meeting. Late submissions will be considered the following month.
The Board considers these scoring criteria when reviewing applications.
Program/service will serve low income at-risk youth.
Funding will pay for direct services
Funding will pay for a portion of the program/service. Applicant acquires other funding sources/in-kind
If application is submitted by an individual/organization who attends monthly collaboration meetings. (CVCT Partners)
All applicants agree to provide a report or presentation to CVCT on the outcome of the program/service completed.
Application includes budget breakdown (incomplete applications will be declined and returned)
Dollar amount is generally in line with cost to provide program/service.
Deadline for financial request submittal is 5 days prior to that month's board meeting. (Late submissions will be considered the following month.)
Current online financial request application form must be used to submit request for financial support.
Applications using previous form will be returned and not considered.
Incomplete applications will be returned and not considered.
All applications must include a budget (cost breakdown) in accord with budget section of application.
Applications must include a specific request for item(s) included in budget.
Awardees are expected to make a presentation at a future general membership meeting or provide a report.
Do not use attachments in lieu of completing all sections of application.
PLEASE NOTE: Requests are reviewed by our Board of Directors during monthly board meetings and they reserve the right to award at their discretion. Our criteria and application are subject to change. Requests for financial support will not be reviewed in the months of June, July, or August, we go dark during the Summer.